AIZON is a private company which aims at innovating development and business approaches that integrate environmental and cultural activities into sustainable economic development. The company’s philosophy is based on the acknowledgement that preserving culture and environment are key challenges facing the world today and that their preservation can result in economic development of some of the world’s poorest nations. AIZON was established in March 2005 in Ethiopia.

AIZON is an Amharic word which is traditionally used to express support and encouragement to tackle challenges when one embarks on a difficult journey, undertakes a new initiative, suffers from losses, experiences illness, or faces many other forms of difficulities. Indeed, coping with the threats to environmental and cultural preservation in Ethiopia and in the world today is a hugely challenging task and those who attempt to address these threats need much encouragement and support.

Currently AIZON is piloting and implementing a number of social and environmental projects in Ethiopia. An overview of AIZON is presented on this website. AIZON also offers consultancy services on development related issues. Examples of analytical work conducted by the founders in different countries, and particularly recent work in Afghanistan, are presented on this website.

Aizon PLC P.O. Box 24355 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Copyright © 2007 AIZON PLC. All rights reserved.